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    Welcome to the fascinating world of food science! 🌟

    Whether you're passionate about unraveling the secrets of culinary delights, delving into the chemistry behind flavors, or exploring the nutritional value of our daily sustenance, you've come to the right place.

    Food science is a captivating field that combines the art of cooking with the precision of science. From understanding the molecular composition of ingredients to innovating sustainable food solutions for the future, there's endless discovery awaiting you.

    Join us on this journey of exploration and innovation as we uncover the intricacies of what makes food not only delicious but also nutritious, safe, and enjoyable for everyone.

    Let's embark on this flavorful adventure together

    Yours Faithfully Mwangi Maureen Njoki

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Available courses

Food chemistry is a branch of science that focuses on the study of the chemical processes and components of food. It encompasses various disciplines such as biochemistry, organic chemistry, and analytical chemistry, all of which are used to understand the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of food molecules

This course provides a comprehensive study of the microorganisms involved in food production, processing, preservation, and spoilage. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the roles of bacteria, yeasts, molds, and viruses in various aspects of the food industry. The course covers the principles and techniques used to detect, identify, and control microorganisms in food products, ensuring food safety and quality.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the characteristics and growth requirements of major foodborne microorganisms.
  2. Explain the mechanisms of microbial food spoilage and foodborne illnesses.
  3. Apply microbiological techniques for the isolation, enumeration, and identification of microorganisms in food samples.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of various food preservation methods in controlling microbial growth.
  5. Analyze the role of microorganisms in food fermentation and bioprocessing.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of food safety regulations and quality control measures.